Monday, August 20, 2007

Please Don't Eat the Daisies (1960) (nat)

Watched mainly in protest of the 1001 book which doesn't include one Doris Day movie (like them or not, they compose an entire genre of movies that should be included, damn it). This one's not so great. Day is Kate MacKay--mother to 4 boys, the youngest of whom spends a lot of time in a caged-in playpen (roof, lock, and all) because he can pick locks (or so Kate says, no evidence is given in the movie) and housewife to Larry MacKay (David Niven) who is a pushover drama professor turned theater critic with a nasty wit. Larry's first review is of best friend Alfred's first attempt at a musical which is horrible and stars Jayne Mansfield wannabe Deborah Vaughn. Alfred and Deborah are mad and plot to get even. Larry gains fame in the circles he used to hate and ignores the plan he and Kate made to move to the country. She wins and they move to the country where she unknowingly helps Alfred with his revenge, which doesn't so much work out. Strangely placed scenes with Doris Day singing strange songs--this is the one with que sera sera. Blah Blah Blah supposed hilarity ensues and they make up at the end, of course.

Two interesting points: at one point David Niven slaps Doris Day's ass--you don't see that everyday and the following line offered by Kate's mother to Larry: "loving her is one thing, letting her think she's intelligent is another." So there. That's that. I'll try to watch something intelligent tomorrow.

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