Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Clock-er. . . Didn't I already see Boyz in the Hood? (t)

2.5 Stars
Vomit scene(s): Innumerable

Now, I like Spike Lee. A good deal. And this is a very decent movie with some very decent performances (including a pre-Grey's Anatomy, pre-publicly-homophobic Isaiah Washington playing The Decent Man), but its message is . . . wait for it . . . working class black people are submerged in a culture that lionizes violence, and that culture is both pervasive and dangerous. Now, this message is delivered courtesy of a neat little metaphor relying on--I'm not kidding-- lactose intolerance, but still, not that original. Do yourself a favor and see "Bamboozled" instead. And if you want to see Harvey Keitel hamming it up as a police officer, why haven't you already seen "Bad Lieutenant"?


natalie.leppard said...

Lactose intolerance? Really? Is milk white people's fault? Is it a sign of weakness? You're going to have to tell me more or I'll have to watch the movie and that doesn't sound like too much fun . . .
But--yay! I'm excited someone else is posting! God tells you that you should stop working and post!

tracy said...

Actually, to Spike's credit, it's a black-supported and produced culture that makes everyone (including The Decent Man) sick. This is literalized by Mekhi Phifer loving--again, not making this up--CHOCOLATE milk even though it makes him so sick he ends up vomiting blood. Bamboozled does this way better and less heavy-handedly, but still pretty decent flick.