Wednesday, August 8, 2007

"Californication" (nat)

No movie today but I did watch the pilot for David Duchovney's new Showtime show, "Californication," on Netflix's website. All I can say is this: lots of boobs. Lots. At least those of four women shown multiple times. And full on naked boobs--not a glimpse of cleavage here or there, or just a topless woman. I could like it maybe if it calmed down a bit with the pointless naked.

Duchovney is Hank: a novelist who has severe writer's block after having written a best-selling book which has been turned into a movie (a movie that completely misses the mark and stars "Tom and Katie"). He is also recently "divorced" (they were never technically married) from the mother of his wannabe punk rock 12 year old daughter. Hank wants her back but she's getting married so he sleeps with any girl who will pull her top off. Meanwhile, the daughter is acting out and Hank's agent is trying to find him a "nice girl" and trying to get Hank to write a blog.

I guess it's ok. Again, if it calmed down with the naked or at least had a reason for the naked or balanced the genders of the naked. . . . Who knows. It's an interesting idea. I'd maybe watch it if I had Showtime. I might give it another shot if it shows up on Netflix but I won't hunt it down.

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