Sunday, August 12, 2007

The Amazing Screw-On Head (2006) and A Streetcar Named Desire (1951) (nat)

Joel and I watched The Amazing Screw-On Head Thursday night. Apparently it was supposed to be a TV show but only the pilot was made so its only about 1/2 hour long. It's by the same guy who wrote Hell Boy. It's literally about a screw-on head (voiced by Paul Giamatti) who saves the world when told to do so by Abraham Lincoln. Screw-On Head is helped by his manservant, Mr. Groin, who is the latest in a long line of butlers. Emperor Zombie (voiced by David Hyde Pierce) was Head's first butler but turned against him and now has a plot to kill all the subsequent menservants. Emperor Zombie also had Head's girlfriend, Patience (voiced by Molly Shannon), turned into a vampire and she is thereafter Zombie's flunkie. It's just fine. I wouldn't have seen it except Joel wanted to watch it.

Streetcar was a re-watch for me. Joel hadn't seen it and I thought that was sacrilege so we watched it Saturday night. I love it although Blanche was reminding me of my grandmother a bit this time . . . scary!

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