Thursday, June 12, 2008

The Mummy (1932)

Oh dear. It's been a bad movie week here. This one wasn't so very terrible but it's just absurd.

It's really just Frankenstein, Dracula, whatever else Boris Karloff has been in. Guy gets killed in ancient Egypt for trying to resurrect his dead girlfriend, years later guy is awakened from his mummified slumber by archaeological moron who reads incantation, newly awake mummy guy spends years looking for dead girl, finds her and has new archaeological morons dig her up, mummy guy tries to resurrect dead girl but her spirit has been reincarnated in a half English half Egyptian girl who archaeological moron #2 is in love with (after ten seconds of seeing her, of course), half E half E girl is entranced by mummy guy and almost killed, and almost rescued by archaeological moron #2 and advisor but girl saves herself by accessing her ancient priestess soul and has the goddess she served kill mummy guy, girl and moron #2 are in love. The end.

Add in some pretty dry acting and heavy make-up and there you have it. It's fine but not super.

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