Thursday, June 12, 2008

Metroplis (1927)

I don't fall asleep during movies. I have a strange relationship with sleep. So much so that, even if absolutely exhausted, I can stay up if anything on TV has caught my attention even a little bit. I fell asleep after about a half hour of Metropolis.

I'm not a fan of silent movies. Not only are they silent and therefore lacking in important dialogue and attention captivating sound, they are normally overly drawn out. Supposedly for dramatic effect, I find the lingering shots of faces with too much contrasting make-up boring. They also seem to take a fairly simple story and draw it out to the point of absurdity. I don't need five minutes of a woman's face looking terrified because she is being slooooooooooooooooowly stalked by a guy who is going to turn her into a robot.

This one, not good.

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