Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Dan in Real Life (2007)

I liked this one quite a bit. I thought it smart, funny, and genuine. And, of course, I love anything that has Steve Carell and especially love anything in which he dances.

This one is about Dan (Carell) who writes a family advice column for the local paper. He has three daughters, two old enough to cause trouble, and is widowed. He's poured all of his effort into his daughters and work that he hasn't really considered his love life. That is until he takes his daughters on their usual trip to the family's house (we're talking a LOT of family) and he randomly meets a woman in a book store. He likes her, really likes her. But, of course, there's a slight problem: she's the new girlfriend of his younger brother. So that's a problem. It turns into a hilarious avoidance story (I especially liked the shower scene) and then into a love story with sweet moments.

Very much worth watching.

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