Friday, May 2, 2008

Fracture (2007)

This is a pretty good "drama." It's just not all that dramatic. Anthony Hopkins kills his cheating wife and then finagles his way out of a conviction by playing on the emotions of his wife's lover--who Hopkins called in as the lead detective to report his wife's death. His opponent in the courtroom is the over-confident young DA who is about to go corporate Ryan Gosling. The film seems to be more a coming-of-age, albeit a professional bildungsroman, of Gosling's character than the tense dramatic thriller the previews made it out to be. It's much less about Hopkins than Gosling.

The film is more or less only a bit clever. The mystery about the gun is a little easy to figure out but the idea itself is interesting. I cannot, however, believe that Hopkins' personal effects were not searched after he was arrested (if they were, the whole gun mystery would have been resolved much more quickly, as in almost immediately). And I was not a fan of the whole Rosamund Pike storyline--trite and predictable without adding a bit of anything to the movie.

It's entertaining enough. Good for a lazy afternoon but don't expect genius.

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