Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Morvern Caller (2002)

I should have known. This was on Sundance one night a while ago (I just forgot to blog). There was nothing else on TV and J was at akido. It was on a "show" for which Alan Cumming chooses the films. I should have read a book.

So, ostensibly, the movie is about a Scottish woman, Samantha Morton, whose boyfriend kills himself in their shared apartment, leaving her instructions to publish his novel. Ok, fine. The trouble begins in the first five minutes when she leaves the dead beau on the floor in his own blood to go to a bar with all of her friends. Then she comes home, dead beau still on the bloody floor. Days go by with the dead beau on the floor. Days. She goes to work at the grocery store, she goes to wild parties with her female friend, with whom she later bathes (presumably platonically, although it IS a bath), and reads the beau's novel. Then she decides (this is totally a plot spoiler) to chop up the beau in the bath tub and scatter him in a field, asks the female friend to move in, takes all of the beau's money, sends the novel in as her own, and takes female friend on a vacation. She then acts strangely, sleeps with some random guy, makes the female friend leave the hotel they're in, wanders into Spain during the running of the bulls, loses friend, finds friend but then leads her into the middle of nowhere Spain. She then leaves the friend sleeping on the side of a dirt road in the middle of nowhere Spain while she wanders into a town who knows how far away, calls the literary agents she's been avoiding the whole trip, they come to meet her and want to publish the novel. She acts oddly some more. Then she goes home, takes all of her things out of the apartment, leaves the key, and finds the abandoned female friend in a bar. The friend refuses to go on another holiday with wacko but wacko goes off anyway to who knows where to do who knows what. The girl is obviously disturbed but the movie never really tells us what caused it because I doubt very very seriously that she was well before the beau committed suicide.

No good. Don't watch it.

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