Saturday, April 26, 2008

Young@Heart (2007)

This one is only out in limited release right now but as soon as it comes anywhere near you, see it immediately.

It's the story of a chorus in Northhampton, MA whose members are an average of 81 years old. Their line-up of songs include some by Sonic Youth, The Clash, James Brown, and Coldplay. They're an impossible sweet, raunchy, funny group of grandparents and great-grandparents who obviously have a lot of fun singing these songs. There are some impossibly sad moments: Coldplay's "Fix You" kills me as it is but see it sung by a man solo when it was supposed to be a duet but his partner has died and it's just terribly sad and touching (and then add in his wife, who isn't in the chorus, singing along in the audience). Two of the members die during the movie and one died when the movie was in production. But there are also birthdays and girlfriends and the concert is incredible in terms of the audience's reaction. All in all, it's very touching and sweet and funny and the music isn't bad either.

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