Monday, March 10, 2008

Bank Job (2008)

Strangely, this was actually a pretty good movie. It's a standard bank heist storyline with black power/racism, royal sex scandal, and old love affair subplots that actually all work together. Jason Statham does a good job as does everyone else (including Stephen Campbell Moore who never gets any press but pops up in all sorts of movies). A few things could have gone more smoothly and/or quickly and a few things felt a little extraneous but all in all its entertaining.

The whole time I was watching it, though, I was trying to figure out the old old movie that revolves around a bank heist in which the robbers take over a luggage store and drill through the basement to get into the vault of the bank (the same method of robbery used in Bank Job). While the latter is based on a real robbery, the earlier movie seems too similar to be unimportant as an influence . . . .

Ah ha! I just found it. The old movie is Larceny, Inc. from 1942.

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