Sunday, February 10, 2008

Eastern Promises (2007) and Elizabeth (1998) (nat)

Eastern Promises was a re-watch. Joel hadn't seen it yet so I watched it again with him--but skipping the nude bath fight. But nothing to add to the other post about it.

Somehow I missed Elizabeth when it first came out (and in the 10 years that followed). I liked it just fine but I am getting somewhat annoyed with movies that make it hard for me to remember the names of the key players. And I am curious as to whether we are supposed to think that Robert was in on the kill the Queen game before she shunned him or if he just got in on it when the Spaniard proposed the idea. And why it was a good idea for him to get in on it so late in the game if the latter is true. But, otherwise, I liked the story and the costuming (especially the costuming). I'm now interested to see how the second one screws it all up.

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