Thursday, September 16, 2010

Women on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown (1988)

Or, Mujeres al borde de un ataque de nervios. THIS is the movie I watched in college for a Spanish class that I liked but couldn't remember the title. I *thought* it was Like Water for Chocolate but then I watched that movie again (I thought it was again at least--it was actually for the first time) and, while I like the movie a great deal, I'm extraordinarily happy that I didn't have to watch that one in a language lab of a small college at 18.

Regardless, it's fun to see how well Women holds up and what are now anachronisms. The situational comedy works wonderfully but a lot of it is centered on a land-line phone and missing phone calls. Nevertheless, it's one of my favorite Almodovar films (the other being Volver). Also amusing is Antoinio Banderas less than a decade into his career at 28 and playing not sexy at all.

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