Monday, August 23, 2010

Step Up 3D (2010)

I hate 3D. Just putting that out there. I have a hard time seeing it because of specific eye concerns I have. It gives me a headache. The glasses are a constant heavy, ill-fitting reminder of the fact that you're watching a movie instead of allowing you to lose yourself. And, more than the physical impositions, 3D is often poorly implemented and is a detriment rather than a useful part of the art. When 3D lost it's kitsch, it all went downhill.

So, when I say this, it means a lot: thank you Adam Shankman and Jon Chu for actually using 3D to magnificent effect and for giving it its kitsch back. By far, this movie is the best use of 3D I've seen.

This is, of course, a cheesy dance movie with the typical cheesy dance movie plot and I am enamored of cheesy dance movies but this one also has favorite dancers from So You Think You Can Dance to bolster my love.

My two favorite scenes are the pre-battle mini-battles. The dust and water routines were visually stunning and a fantastic use of the 3D. But a close third is the part of the final battle with the itty bitty dancers. Cuteness.

The only minus? The love interest, Natalie. First, I hate when my name is used in a film. I'm sure there are lots of Johns out there scoffing at my dislike but still. Second, how old is she supposed to be? According to imdb, she's 27. But, Jesus, if her face doesn't look like she's 40 around the mouth and eyes. 3D was not kind to her. And third, the jump-off-the-stage-into-Patrick-Swayze's-arms moment to prove that you are brave, a super dancer, and can win it all? The equivalent move was mediocre--as in I've seen it on SYTYCD and didn't think anything of it and there are better, trickier moves in the movie prior to that moment--and her participation, much less that move, didn't do anything to help the group win it all. They already had the win-the-battle-plan worked out.

Anyway, my only sadness will be when it's not in theaters and I'll have to watch it in 2D because I refuse to have to wear glasses to watch TV in my house.

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