Monday, August 18, 2008

Affectionately Yours (1941)

It was Rita Hayworth day on TCM so this came on after The Lady in Question. I like Hayworth so I watched. This one is about a journalist who is constantly travelling the world in pursuit of the story, telling a woman in every city, "if I weren't married . . . " While out on "assignment," his wife divorces him (goes to Reno--see The Women for a bigger exploration of this phenomenon) and doesn't really tell him. He finds out through the grapevine that his marriage is over and rushes back to New York to resolve the situation. His editor doesn't approve of his remaining a domestic reporter (in both senses of domestic) and his lover, Hayworth, is excited about his divorce--they plot together to keep him divorced and travelling. The reporter devises all sorts of schemes to keep his wife and those schemes subsequently backfire repeatedly. I'm not sure I'm convinced of the ending though . . .

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