Thursday, March 12, 2009

Center Stage: Turn It Up (2008)

That's right a straight to dvd sequel to a little known Australian dance movie. And I L.O.V.E. it. The first one is one of my go-to cheesy dance movies and this one just gets added to that list. It manages to do what the Step Up duo didn't in that the Center Stage pair are separate entities that don't immediately relate to each other. Cooper shows up in the second but there is no awkward moment where we sort of have to explain what the last movie was all about--that's right Step Up 2: The Streets, I noticed your pitiful writing in of a dance-off between characters past and present and Center Stage is better, much better. This one also pulls in street dance with the ballet without making either seem stupid or uptight. And, of course, there is the end dance number that re-tells the whole thing. G.E.N.I.U.S. I need to own it immediately.

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